Garbage Recycling: First fully-automated recyclables separator able to handle unseparated normal...

...garbage from a full garbage truck.  [As most of garbage separation is already semi-automated, this challenge simply takes it to its final stage.]  To win this challenge, the program must include a learning algorithm, must transmit at least once per operational day what it has learned to the company that developed the program, and download updates from that central server.

Future Challenges:

1) First fully-automated recyclables separator able to handle unseparated normal garbage from full garbage trucks as fast as those trucks would normally deliver their garbage.

2) First commercial garbage collection company to install and use the above recycling machine (Future Challenge #1).

3) First commercial garbage collection company to install and use the above recycling machine for all its garbage collection.

4) First US city to no longer require its citizens to separate their garbage and to discontinue its recycling separation program because all of its garbage collectors are using the above recycling machine.

5) First US state to no longer allow any of its municipalities to require the municipality’s citizens to separate their garbage, and the state discontinues all recycling separation programs in the state because all of the state’s garbage collectors are using the above recycling machine.

6) First major US state (with a population of 9 million or more) to no longer allow any municipality or county in the state to require its citizens to separate their garbage, and the state discontinues all citizen recycling separation programs in the state because all of the state’s garbage collectors are using the above recycling machine.

7) First nation to no longer allow any of its municipalities, counties, or states/provinces to require its citizens to separate their garbage, and the nation discontinues all citizen recycling separation programs in their nation because all of the nation’s garbage collectors are using the above recycling machine.

8) First environmental charity to specialize and only raise money to pay local garbage collection companies to unearth old landfills and run the contents through the recycling machine above.

9) First annual charity environmental concert to raise money to pay a garbage collection company to unearth old landfills and process their contents with the recycling machine above.  The concert must air live on at least one cable TV network.  [Expect the charity concert to be held at the location of the landfill.]

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